February 4: Ex. 34-36 and Mt. 23:1-22


In this devotional, we explore Exodus 34-36 and Matthew 23:1-22, passages that reveal themes of covenant renewal, authentic worship, and the critique of religious hypocrisy. These scriptures from different eras provide insights into God's faithfulness, the importance of sincere obedience, and Jesus' call for genuine spiritual leadership, aligning with Reformed and covenant theology.

Exodus 34-36 Summary

Exodus 34-36 describes the renewal of the covenant between God and Israel after the incident of the golden calf. God reiterates His commandments to Moses, emphasizing His mercy and faithfulness. Moses’ face shines after meeting with God, symbolizing the divine encounter's impact. The Israelites respond with generosity and skill in constructing the Tabernacle, reflecting their commitment to honoring God's presence among them. These chapters underscore the importance of responding to God's grace with obedience and heartfelt worship.

Matthew 23:1-22 Summary

In Matthew 23:1-22, Jesus delivers a scathing critique of the scribes and Pharisees, condemning their hypocrisy and legalism. He warns the crowds and disciples against following their example, emphasizing the discrepancy between their teachings and actions. Jesus criticizes their focus on minutiae of the law while neglecting its weightier matters: justice, mercy, and faithfulness. This passage challenges the religious leaders' authority and calls for a reevaluation of what constitutes true obedience and worship.

Key Theological Concepts

  1. Covenant Renewal and Faithful Obedience: The renewal of the covenant in Exodus and the construction of the Tabernacle highlight the themes of God’s faithfulness and the proper response of obedience and worship, contrasted in Matthew by Jesus’ critique of the Pharisees’ superficial obedience.

  2. Authentic Worship vs. Religious Hypocrisy: The sincere efforts of the Israelites in building the Tabernacle in Exodus contrast with the hypocrisy of the Pharisees in Matthew, emphasizing the importance of authentic worship and leadership.

  3. Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness: Jesus' condemnation of the Pharisees' neglect of justice, mercy, and faithfulness in Matthew reflects the deeper intentions of God's law, as initially given to Moses and the Israelites.


Exodus 34-36 and Matthew 23:1-22, though set in different times, both address the heart of worship and obedience. The Israelites' dedication to constructing the Tabernacle reflects a genuine response to God's grace, while in Matthew, Jesus exposes the emptiness of religious practices devoid of true justice, mercy, and faith. These passages challenge us to examine our own worship and obedience, encouraging us to embrace a faith that is genuine, compassionate, and aligned with God's heart.

Application Points

  1. Embrace Genuine Obedience and Worship: Inspired by the Israelites' response to God's grace, strive for sincere obedience and worship in your own spiritual life.

  2. Reject Hypocrisy in Spiritual Leadership: Heed Jesus’ warning against hypocrisy, seeking to embody authentic leadership and discipleship that aligns with God’s values.

  3. Prioritize Justice, Mercy, and Faithfulness: Reflect on the weightier matters of the law – justice, mercy, and faithfulness – and incorporate these principles into your daily life and interactions.


Heavenly Father, as we reflect on the renewal of the covenant in Exodus and Jesus’ teachings in Matthew, we are reminded of the importance of sincere worship, faithful obedience, and authentic leadership. Help us to build our lives on the foundation of Your grace, rejecting any form of hypocrisy or superficial religion. May our worship be genuine, our leadership be humble, and our actions reflect Your love, justice, and mercy. Guide us to live in a manner that honors You and brings Your kingdom values to our world. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.